5 Epic Bible Verses On My Joy Comes From The Lord

In this post, we will be sharing with you some powerful bible verses on My Joy Comes From The Lord. Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about having joy within you? Has the devil deprived you of your joy? The good news is that God is more than able to give you the joy you lost.

It is such a blessing to know that God is a loving Father to us. His love endures forever. The joy that He has for us is greater than the joy the world can give. It is the most amazing thing to know that we have a God who is willing to love us unconditionally and without expectations.

My Joy Comes From The Lord

God’s Joy Is Your Strength

“The joy of the LORD is your strength.” – Nehemiah 8:10

The devil will try to steal your joy, but you need to know that God is more than able to restore it. He is the source of all joy and He wants you to have it in abundance. When you are feeling down, turn to Him and He will fill you with His joy.

The joy of the LORD is your strength

In God’s Presence, There Is Fullness Of Joy

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” – Psalm 16:11

In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore. What a wonderful promise!

The psalmist reminds us that God is the source of all happiness and contentment. He is the one who fills our lives with meaning and purpose. When we are in His presence, we are complete and satisfied.

We can experience this joy in many ways: through prayer, worship, reading His Word, or simply spending time in nature enjoying His creation. But the best way to experience the fullness of joy that comes from being in God’s presence is to surrender our lives to Him.

When we give our lives to Christ, we are filled with His joy. It’s a joy that comes from knowing we are forgiven and loved by the One who created us. This joy is not based on our circumstances or anything we have done; it is a gift from God that He freely gives to all who believe in Him.

So let us rejoice and be glad in His presence, for there is fullness of joy! Let us seek out the ways that we can experience the infinite love and grace of God, knowing that our lives will be forever changed by His unfailing goodness. Amen.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore

Shout for Joy to the LORD

“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” – Psalm 100:2-3

God wants us to be happy and to express our joy in Him. He created us to worship Him and to enjoy His presence. When we do, our lives are transformed and we experience true happiness.

When we come before the Lord with gladness and thanksgiving, He fills us with His peace and joy. We can shout for joy to the Lord, regardless of our circumstances, knowing that He is in control.

Let us come before Him today with joyful songs, giving thanks for all He has done for us. As we do, we will be filled with His joy and peace. Amen.

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs

My Heart Leaps for Joy

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.” – Psalm 28:7

In times of darkness and fear, our hearts may seem to leap with anxiety and worry. But when we turn to the Lord, His presence fills us with hope and peace.

We can declare with confidence that the Lord is our strength and our shield. He protects us from all harm and helps us in times of trouble. And when we place our trust in Him, our hearts leap for joy as we praise Him with song.

So let us come before the Lord today, full of hope and gratitude for His goodness. As we praise Him with our words and actions, may our hearts be filled with His joy. Amen.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him

I Pray That Your Joy May Be Complete

“I pray that your love will abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ” – Philippians 1:9-11

Dear friend, I pray that your joy may be complete. As you seek to know God more deeply and grow in His love for you, may your love for others continue to increase as well. May you be able to discern His will for your life and be obedient to His Word.

And as you obey His commands, may you be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ. This righteousness will produce joy and peace in your life. It is my sincere prayer that your joy may be complete in Him today. Amen.

I pray that your love will abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight

God’s Love Endures Forever

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.” – Psalm 136

This is such a powerful bible verse on love and joy. A joy that endures forever regardless of what life throws at us. We can find peace, hope, and comfort in God’s love. When we are feeling low and empty, it is because we have forgotten how great His love is for us.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever


Dear friends, no matter what circumstances we face in life, we can always turn to God for joy and peace. When we place our trust in Him and seek His will for our lives, He fills us with His love and grace. Let us rejoice in Him today, knowing that there is fullness of joy in His presence. Amen

What is the spiritual difference between joy and happiness?

There is no singular spiritual difference between joy and happiness, as both are considered positive emotions that can be experienced by people in various ways and under different circumstances.

However, some may argue that joy tends to be more enduring than happiness, as it comes from a deeper place within us and is not dependent on external factors such as the successes or failures of our lives.

Ultimately, both joy and happiness are expressions of God’s love and presence in our lives, and we can find peace, comfort, and fulfilment when we turn to Him for support during times of difficulty.

My Joy Comes From The Lord Declaration

My joy comes from the Lord.
He is my rock and my fortress.
He is my deliverer and my God.
I will praise Him with all of my heart.
He is my salvation and my hope.
He is my strength and my shield.
I will trust in Him always.
He is my refuge and my fortress.
He is my God and my Savior.
I will give Him glory forever.

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My joy comes from the Lord

We hope that you have been blessed by our collection of powerful bible verses on My Joy Comes From The Lord, God is my source of happiness, and His love endures forever!

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